Democrats to Introduce Bill That Would Give Citizenship to 11 Million Illegal Aliens

by Eric Lendrum


In one of the most radical legislative proposals ever introduced, the Democratic Party plans to introduce a bill later this week that would guarantee a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal aliens in the country, as reported by Daily Caller.

The bill will be called the “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021.” It is set to include expansions to the nation’s refugee resettlement program, increased benefits for illegals who are being considered for amnesty under the failed DREAM Act, and expanding government assistance for illegal aliens.

The bill will be introduced in the House of Representatives by Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.), and in the Senate by Robert Menendez (D-N.J.). Menendez claims that the aim of the bill is to “reunite families, bring the undocumented community out of the shadows and on a path to citizenship, stand up for human rights, and address root causes of migration.”

Sanchez claimed, without evidence, that illegal aliens are the ones who are “pulling us through this pandemic,” and that “there are too many relying on this reform for us to fail.”

The bill is already facing criticism from immigration reform groups that are pointing out the devastating impacts it could have on the American economy, and the disadvantages that will arise for American workers in particular as a result. A spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said that “providing a mass amnesty, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and a difficult economic situation, is an affront to American citizens and legal immigrants.”

The bill is the latest drastic step being taken by the Biden Administration to reverse President Donald Trump’s immigration policies, which includes a halt to construction of the border wall, an end to the successful “Remain in Mexico” policy, and reinstating “catch-and-release” to send illegal aliens right back into the United States shortly after being detained.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.











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One Thought to “Democrats to Introduce Bill That Would Give Citizenship to 11 Million Illegal Aliens”

  1. Dave Richards

    We got what we didn’t vote for!
